First of all, I must say that today is a great day for all peace loving citizens of this Earth. (Check this out: Robots sniff out bombs). We can now sleep well knowing that less people need to die from the devastating weapon known as the bomb. By bomb, I do not mean just any form of explosives. Rather, I am referring to those sneaky contraptions that were made famous by suicide bombers. I have always thought of modern weapons as devices meant for the cowardly. Let's put it this way, when you use modern weapons such as rifles or bombs, people get killed without knowing what hit them.
And worst of all, if the victims somehow manage to survive the attack, they would most probably be hideously disfigured, deformed, or be harassed by physical as well as psychological trauma for the rest of their lives.
With the invention of bomb-sniffing robots, everybody including myself just had their chances of being blown into bits and pieces reduced significantly since the robot is not only able to detect bombs, it will also serve as a form of deterrence for those bomb using cowards.
Some qualms I have with these robots is that they seem to be able to detect only certain types of explosives, and that they need to be controlled by somebody. Well, better let one person die than several I guess...
Picture taken from this link.