Friday, April 6, 2007

Go Honda go! Asimo is the best! For now…

My family has been using Honda products ever since I could remember. Inadvertently, I became a Honda fan too. I must say that while the intentions of building the Asimo robot might be a publicity seeking attempt on Honda's part to show off her engineering capabilities, nonetheless, the Asimo Robot is truly a remarkable engineering feat.

I truly believe that it is possible, though not within my lifetime, that humanoid robots will integrate with society. Their presence will be a sad one though, as their whole lives will evolve around helping human beings and Earth. As we can see from the various postings on i-heart-robots, robots can be found in a diverse range of industries including the medical , assistive, home and security industries. What differentiates the Asimo robot from the other robots though, is its degrees of movements and its ability to react properly, as trained, to commands.

I wish for the day when humanoid robots can truly integrate with this Earth. That seems so far away though. For now, we'll have to settle for the Asimo robot. And I’m proud to be the owner of an Asimo robot. The keychain, not the actual robot…


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